
Thank you, you're in! But don't forget...
Reserve now for $1, get $79 in savings!

Reserve your Super Early Bird price!

Reserve now for just $1 and guarantee 40% off our $199 MSRP!

When you reserve now, you'll pay just $120 for your Universal Lite, a savings of $79, and get FREE US SHIPPING when we launch soon on Kickstarter!

VIP Reservation perks include:

Fully Refundable

If you change your mind at any time and no longer want the offer, we’ll refund you 100%.

Powered via Stripe

We do not store or keep your credit card information and value your payment privacy.

Full Transparency

We will keep you updated on the progress and success of this product launch campaign.

Payment details


Fully Refundable

If you change your mind at any time and no longer want the offer, we’ll refund you 100%.

Powered via Stripe

We do not store or keep your credit card information and value your payment privacy.

Full Transparency

We will keep you updated on the progress and success of this product launch campaign.

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